Of droughts, and flooding rains, of businesses and broken business continuity plans.

Well, this is a blog entry, and I have a thing for bad business poetry.  In Brizvegas, as you may have heard, we’ve had droughts a-plenty until the last two years, and then the flooding rains that just created a seeping, growing, black mess that crept stealthily towards everyone’s place of business or abode.

Well, that might seem a little melodramatic, but you know what?  It’s not.  We’re all affected here in Brizvegas, even in little ways such as losing our carparks (my wife doesn’t think that’s so little) or daycare centre (my daughter, yes, same attitude as her mother).  My house was perfectly fine, halfway up Mount Cootha, but I went for a ride on my pushbike to see how my daughter’s daycare centre was faring.  As I rounded a corner and ran into deep, black water quite some time before I rather thought I would.  Squealing on the brakes, I thought to myself, ‘That’s not good!’

I also came to the realisation that my five-year old daughter was not going back to daycare tomorrow.

And so from my back deck, all seemed fine as I looked over the tall trees of Mt Coot-tha, but at the same time some people were cut off from food and petrol – friends of mine were refused service after the floods because they ‘looked grotty’. Well, how would you look after 5 days without power or a shower?

It was an odd flood, bright sunny day, and yet still I noticed the Lexus dealership madly moving cars, and the people at the Brumby’s bakery madly moving flour to the only bakery down the road that wasn’t flooded (it appears they rather had some trouble finding the key, and saved the flour only just in time or the western suburbs would have had to start eating crushed up gumleaves spiced with mud. And then having to drink the wooded Chardonnay left in the wine rack – oh the humanity!)

But the point (and there is one!) is that we precisely do not know what will ever happen to our homes or places of business.  Some of us thought we were really very safe at the time.  That idea’s comforting, but not always true (I can see a mountain full of trees from my back deck – so one day bushfires are on the cards).

Here’s a video I took of a house normally way, way above the river:

All of us banana-benders are looking at each other now, after inland tsunamis, floods-that-weren’t-supposed-to-happen, and Cyclone Yasi, and saying that if we had a blizzard come down Queen Street we’d let loose a suitable expletive and get down to it.

So how do you as a business prepare for these things?

Well, fortunately we do have best practice approaches available such as COBIT and ITIL.  A year or so ago, when I was lecturing at QUT in IT Governance, I asked the students to use COBIT’s framework to help with the development of a business continuity plan.  This is what it, rather drily, says:

DS4.2 IT Continuity Plans: Develop IT continuity plans based on the framework and designed to reduce the impact of a major disruption on key business functions and processes. The plans should be based on risk understanding of potential business impacts and address requirements for resilience, alternative processing and recovery capability of all critical IT services. They should also cover usage guidelines, roles and responsibilities, procedures, communication processes, and the testing approach.

The exercise for the student was to take a look around their bedroom and work out what they might lose, what they could afford to lose, and how they might get back on deck.  I seem to recall one student came up with a contingency plan that involved explaining to his lecturer how he didn’t need to submit the assignment that week – I believe I may have said he needed to improve that excuse for his risk register.

Anyway, business continuity plans are things that are really hard if you don’t know where to start.  So I took that reasonably vague statement above from ITGI’s COBIT and turned it into something like the below.  Feel free to borrow it as a template if you like for your business.  It’s not great, it’s not fantastic, but it’s a start, and at least you get thinking about what you need to do in the event of problems like droughts, flooding rains, bushfires, cyclones, blizzards, alien invasion, or inland tsunamis.  Try adapting this for your purposes:

And so I’m going to leave this blog entry right about here, now that I’ve gotten to use some great phrases like ‘a seeping growing black mess’ (seriously, anyone who saw that floodwater will agree that it was pretty yuck).  Readers, please take a look or download the example business continuity plan – a BCP doesn’t need to be hard, it just needs to work.  In fact, if it’s big and hard and ugly, it’s likely it’ll never work.  ‘Keep it Simple, Silly’ is the appropriate rule of thumb.  It’s a good start for some businesses, possibly not for others.

But please don’t find yourself caught on the hop and having to remove those files from the basement where they’re stored to the top floor of your building in your pyjamas and best thongs, like some people I’ve heard of.  Or the people at the Lexus dealership, who were frantic because they couldn’t find the keys to the four wheel drive blocking the driveway.

PS:  I hope I rickrolled somebody in one of those links up above…

Brisbane Floods – the View from Fig Tree Pocket and University of Queensland

Well some of the people dropping by this blog may be interested to see a short video of the floods that have recently devastated Brisbane.

The irony is that you wouldn’ t have known about the floods where I was – I live on a hill – but they were real enough when you went out there.  Particularly to University of Queensland:

And then there was the water racing by at Fig Tree Pocket – again, water views, normally sought after in this city, were suddenly a whole lot closer than was comfortable:

And I have to report – I am a victim of the floods.  I went out on my precious motorbike to get these videos, and hit a pothole the size of a garbage can lid.  That ‘slight bump’ brought a tear to my eye and cracked the fuel tank on my 30-year old motorbike.  Ah vey.

The case for ‘Red heads are brighter than blondes’

The below is a speech I prepared for Rostrum several weeks ago now – thought I might as well blog it (it’s also a ‘typecasting’ experiment, as the original was composed on my Remington Monarch typewriter.  I’ll attach that as a PDF).  The speech was for a ‘heckle’ meeting where the presenter takes a controversial stance and has to deal with being heckled by the audience.  Gotta love Rostrum if you want to get better at public speaking :).

4421527822_a49d0d2c2d_m.jpgGood evening Mr Chairman, members and guests. Tonight it is my privilege to address this meeting to outline the case that redheads are brighter than blondes. Naturally, it is well understood that this is the case, as no person has ever been accused of telling a. joke about a dumb redhead. Redheads are fiery, passionate, and intelligent. Blondes – are not.

The case that I put to you tonight is based upon more than the intelligence and wisdom of the crowd – and let’s face it, we all know that there’s at least a kernel of truth to the statement. No, I appeal to the one true word of science to identify why redheads are intelligent and bright, and blondes are… at least slightly less so.

There are two scientific reasons that redheads are more intelligent than blondes. These reasons will be explored, and finally some deeply scientific qualitative evidence will be presented.

Firstly, redheads are more intelligent than blondes due to the rigours of evolution. Although it does not hold true for all redheads, it is possible to say that, as a group, redheads are more intelligent. Redheads make up only 2% of the population, being the genetic remnants of Northern Europe’s far-flung races. The rigours of the cold weather and the harsh environment has meant that only the smart survived.

What might the evidence for this be, do you think? Well, there are two studies that indicate that, as a group, redheads are less tolerant of pain than their blonde counterparts. Along with a frightful increase in the risk of melanoma, redheads have been found to be less tolerant of pain in the dental chair and on the surgical wards (Liem, Lin, Suleman et al 2004; Mogil, Wilson, Chesler et al 2003). It is theorised that redheads have M1C1iR receptors that are less able to respond to anaesthesia and the like. Although this apparently manifests itself as a supreme fear of the dentist’s drill, it has also had the effect over years of evolution to ensure that redheads took great care in thinking about the many ways in which they could hurt themselves and die in their harsh environments. Although it is not scientifically proven as yet, I expect it can be shown that fewer redheads take up extreme sports such as skydiving and javelindodging. They’re just too smart for that.

Secondly, redheads are more intelligent than blondes simply because society expects it to be so. For centuries, the redhead has been presumed to be of fiery passions and an unstable temperament. They are scary people – so the myth goes – to be avoided, derided and put down at every opportunity.

Cruel schoolyard taunts are the lot of today’s redhead, and they must develop a thick skin, a sharp wit, and a keen intellect to survive childhood. The redhead’s blonde sisters are worshipped as natural beauties, and are assured in their future by relying upon their looks. The redhead must deal with being taunted as the ginger ninja, Agent Orange, fire-crotch and my personal favourite, ‘Fanta-pants’. In November 2008 there was even the national ‘Kick a Ginger’ day in the UK, which possibly means that redheads are slightly better at running as well. The blonde might be taunted with blonde jokes, but the redhead has to deal with personal attacks every day, and must either look to achieve satisfaction through the pure measure of wit – or find a hapless blonde for the others to pick on.

Finally, there is the qualitative evidence. Despite only making up a mere 2% of the population, redheads are present everywhere in modern popular culture. And they’re always the intelligent ones. Ten redheads of the past, selected completely at random, demonstrate the redheads’ intelligence. Ann-Margret, Axl Rose, Pippi Longstocking. Molly Ringwald. Sigh. David Bowie, Anne Shirley of Green Gables fame, Lucille Ball and Elizabeth I. All redheads, all intelligent, and witty, by dint of their genetic background and social upbringing.

Compare that list of over-achieving ginger ninjas with the blondes of popular culture. Dolph Lundgren. Anna Nichol Smith, Dolly Parton, Paris Hilton and Miss South Carolina 2007, who famously thought South Africa was part of the USA.

And so the case is made. Redheads are brighter than blondes due to the unassailable and scientific forces of evolution that ensure they avoid pain, the schoolyard taunts that engage the ‘Fanta-pants’ brain, and the simple fact that our popular culture and the world around us celebrates the smart and fiery redhead, whilst bemoaning the number of blondes it takes to change a lightbulb. My favourite ginger ninja, Leigh Sales of the ABC, makes the clearest case yet, though, with her wellreadhead blog, where she discusses economics, the environment and books. 

We are surrounded by the intelligent coppertop with a touch of the ginge in their fringe. The proof is irrefutable, scientific, 
and undeniable.

The case, members and guests, is made.

[Image from Flickr User Thomas HawkSome Rights Reserved.]

A letter to my blog

Dear Blog

It has been some time since we last spoke. To let you know, I have taken up motorcycling. It is mostly an attractive pastime – except I know that on Saturday we spent four hours by the side of the road trying to fix a motorbike (the 2.5 year old one, not the 30 year old one – being mine). A picture of my motorcycle is shown below. It is a 1980 Honda CX500 and it’s been very reliable overall, and lots of fun to pull it altogether. Since the photo below was taken I have taken off the Ventura Gearsack at the back, and replaced the indicators with standard ones. I’ll find a new photo to send you soon.

Last week I was in Wellington – here’s a bad photo of me and Wellington’s parliament house from that trip:

I was over there to speak to Audit New Zealand as part of my phd research. If you’re not careful, I’ll tell you all about my phd… oh wait, I already did that.

Finally, today it was my pleasure to speak to an audit delegation from China with my Supervisor, Professor Peter Green. I’m sure you’re glad I have no photos of that experience – I will say though it was interesting presenting a quite technical presentation to a non-English speaking audience and waiting for the interpreter to translate. I could tell those of the delegation that could speak English – they laughed at my jokes before the interpreter had translated them.

Oh, and I got to go to the Ashes last week, for the opening day of the test. Here’s a video of Peter Siddle getting his hat trick (caution: strong language – not mine!):

That’s something for the bucket list – seeing a hat trick live in the Ashes at the Gabba.


Micheal Axelsen

PS: I have a mammoth blog post I’ll copy over to here that I wrote for CPA Australia. My favourite visual metaphor: “There are dangers to think about though when it comes to telecommuting. Maybe not the same dangers as skydiving into an apiary wearing only beachwear and honey-scented deodorant, but there are challenges to think about such as team cohesion, security, and that all-elusive ‘work-life balance’.”

Telecommuting: the virtual practice?


It’s a warm and sunny day here at the Gabba.  The first day’s play is under way and at lunch time the game is evenly poised.  There’s some good cricket to come, and there’s an air of anticipation amongst us true cricket tragics – what will this series bring?  Will Australia win this battle of willow and leather?  Although possibly another question is more relevant at the moment, dear reader:  why is this discussion relevant?  Well, it probably isn’t, but I just wanted to highlight that I am at the start of the game – the Ashes.

Nevertheless, in a desperate attempt to relate that introduction to the topic of this blog entry, I will point out that I am surrounded by a whole bunch of people that are also skiving off work.  Sorry; ‘taking a leave day’.  There’s a row of about ten of us here – and we’re all diligently checking our Blackberries, iPhone, or Android smartphones for those urgent messages.  Admittedly, for the spectator seated next to me it is mostly to receive an electronic shellacking, as England aren’t going so well to start with.  Well, almost all of us are using their smartphones.  In my case, it’s my very nerdy Kindle, since the battery in my iPhone ran out by the lunch break.  But the fact that you can skive off at the cricket, and still cover off at least some of your work, shows the extent of the mobility today’s technology affords us.

This technology is now affordable; once this ability was limited to multi-national corporations, Big 4 accounting firms, and enthusiastic fourteen-year-olds needing to keep tabs on their Everquest account.  Now, though, this technology is relatively cheap, and the smallest organisation can have mobile road warriors.  Wherever you are – the kitchen table, the board room table, or even at the bar at the Gabba, apparently – can be your office of the moment.

What is this called – other than creative and demonstrably purposeful skiving off?  Well, officially it’s called teleworking – we know it more as telecommuting:  the ability to connect and do work whenever and wherever we are.  Of course, some of us when we are in our cups might tend to have another phrase to use when we see that little Blackberry light flashing to indicate yet another ‘urgent’ email.  From experience, I can tell you that that little light is handy to have when you are trying to find the Blackberry you just threw into the bushes in exasperation.

Mobile technology tools and support are needed to allow telecommuting to take place – iPads, Citrix, Smartphones and so on.  The technology tools are there to be used and they are accessible to any practice.  The opportunities are real.  The work of the accountant is tailor-made for telecommuting and the virtual office.  Even in public practice – where we do have clients we have to see! – a fair chunk of our work is just us, our computer screen, and a cup of bad coffee.  I can make bad coffee anywhere, and I can do client work anywhere, really.  Opportunities for increases in productivity, better access to information, and a flexible workforce, are there to be gained.  Challenges exist too, including team cohesion, security and the all-important ‘work-life balance’.  These opportunities and challenges are central to the theme of this blog entry, with some conclusions provided that you might like to think about when adopting telecommuting in your practice.

The opportunities of telecommuting

The best telecommuting tools allow you to respond better to information requests from clients.  A simple fix to a tax return, or a modification to a letter before it goes out, can be dealt with while commuting (on public transport; the law may differ in your state, but it’s usually highly illegal to telecommute and drive at the same time).  I have it on good authority – my brother-in-law – that an iPad is easy to set up with Citrix, so you can access all the software you need when you are out and about.  You can approve client proposals, fee letters, and answer those email tasks wherever you are.  This is a good thing, of course, and means that that valuable face-to-face time in the office isn’t spent buried up to your neck in answering tedious emails.

The same technologies allow you to work from home just as easily.  Several partners in accounting firms I know have foregone the laptop for the Blackberry or iPhone.  They have a desktop computer at home which they can work on if they want, and the Smartphone when they are out and about.  This is good, because laptops are actually the bane of all occupational health and safety concerns.  Your spine will thank you for not lugging around that laptop – although on the flip side that role as Quasimodo won’t be so easy to get at your local amateur theatre company.

Having this information available at your fingertips means so much to you too.  All client files can be made available at low cost on these devices – at least through that Citrix option. All client letters – any client letters – working papers are available when you are out and about.  No more need to say, ‘I’ll check that when I get back to the office’ – the question can be answered there and then.  That’s the sort of thing that clients appreciate – a straight answer, no prevarication.  Even if the answer isn’t the answer they wanted.

This of course means too that you can do things like enter your timesheets into the practice management system – assuming it’s compatible – when you’re at the client’s premises.   If you have it electronically, you can access the information wherever you are.

A key benefit, though, arising from telecommuting is the flexible workforce you can support.  This just might be key to retaining or recruiting staff members that need this flexibility to help them balance their busy lives.  When I was (much) younger and had no children, I had little conception of how much flexibility I was gong to need.  I had visions that children were always well and were perfectly happy to go to daycare 11 hours a day, every day.

Then I had children and I must admit to having a paradigm shift without a clutch.  I now dread the pronouncements that doctors make from time to time:  ‘She has hand foot and mouth disease – she can’t go to daycare for a week’, or even worse, ‘you now have hand foot and mouth disease – you can’t go to work for another week’.  Seriously, children complicate lives – often at short notice and with little respect for the commitments you’ve made to clients.  Telecommuting allows current staff members to be effective at home when these pronouncements have been made.  It also allows people to be flexible in their regular leaving hours.  Many people are ‘day extenders’ who might leave work early to pick up the kids from school or daycare, and then log in later that night to address those smaller tasks that can be done from home.

And flexibility isn’t just appreciated by parents – if the unchilded can leave a little early on a Friday to catch a music gig, and catch up on their work over the weekend, this too is appreciated.  And anyone who has ever battled traffic congestion to be at the office by 8.30am will appreciate a telecommuting morning before coming into the office now and then.  Newly minted CPAs are increasingly expecting to have the same technologies available in their working life that they had available all during their high school and university training – and are aghast to not find the same options available when they hit the work force.  For people that have become used to having the technologies available at university, the look on their first day of work is how I would have looked if I had been presented with a slide rule, an abacus, and a green pen when I graduated in 1991.

There are also a whole cohort of perfectly qualified accountants who cannot make the commitment to work full time because of their parenting responsibilities.  These accountants are usually keen to get part-time work – but these roles are made more difficult if there is an expectation of being on-site by 9am until 3pm.  Many of these people would like the challenging work public practice can provide – but can’t make the commitment for those hours.  Telecommuting allows these people to be productive, be flexible with their hours, and the loyalty engendered by this opportunity can be very high.  Besides, it allows the practice to avoid all those costs associated with having a new desk for that person – even if you have to regularly courier working papers to people working from home, it will still be cheaper than providing a desk at work.

The challenges of telecommuting

There are dangers to think about though when it comes to telecommuting.  Maybe not the same dangers as skydiving into an apiary wearing only beachwear and honey-scented deodorant, but there are challenges to think about such as team cohesion, security, and that all-elusive ‘work-life balance’.

Team cohesion can become unstuck if you do decide to give the ‘virtual office’ a go.  People being what they are, telecommuting can create issues between team members.  This is particularly so if ‘telecommuting’ is considered a ‘bit of a bonus’.  Tensions arise.  In my former practice, a staff member traded off salary for extra leave entitlements and leaving at 4pm.  Even though she had ‘traded’ her salary for these benefits and regularly telecommuted after 7pm, a general undercurrent of office gossip was unhelpful and uncomfortable.  This challenge needs to be addressed through clear understanding of the commitment and responsibility required for telecommuting, and good job design to ensure that telecommuting does not create perceptions of extra work by other team members.

There is also the issue that having staff members telecommute lessens that ephemeral quality, esprit de corps – you may no longer feel like a part of the team if you are working from the kitchen table.  This may mean that loyalty to the practice – or even the mundane friendships that form around the water cooler – is reduced.  Staff members that never come into the office, who never speak to each other, and whose only interaction with their peers is via email and instant messaging, may be more tempted to leave and join competitors.  At the least, they may be tempted to solve problems without referring to their colleagues and thus missing vital solutions.  This issue can be addressed by setting out expectations around physical presence in the office – perhaps Tuesdays and Fridays, between 11am and 2pm, when all staff should be in the office.

Security represents another challenge.  Having all that information at your fingertips can make you drunk with power (or is that only me?), but you will be sick to the stomach if you leave your iPhone with access to all the practice’s data in the back of a taxi.  Fortunately iPhones have a ‘Find my iPhone’ feature, and can be set to reformat if the security PIN is not entered correctly.  These options are important, as the data these smartphones can store is monumental.  When I started work we had a 40mb disk to share the work of a team of 10 people.  Today, my iPhone will store 32 gigabytes of data alone.  That’s a lot of client correspondence, and it’s a lot of data.  That data might also be accessible to unauthorised users if the technologies used to access the data are not robust.  Concerns about security can increase the costs of telecommuting very quickly.  Implementation of a secure Virtual Private Network, encryption of stored data, and passwords for mobile devices are just the start of the technical aspects to address this challenge.

If your data is very confidential, or very valuable, then there are sound reasons not to adopt telecommuting, particularly where the data can end up in uncontrolled environments.  However it is fair to say that most organisations do not have data confidentiality requirements that are so extreme as to preclude telecommuting – perhaps, though, staff members need to know what data can be accessed offsite and what data should not.  The challenge of information security needs to be addressed through training programs and technical measures to ensure security of access and distribution of the practice’s valuable data.

The final challenge to consider is work-life balance.  The opportunity for productivity gains that is provided by telecommuting comes at a cost – the mobile road warrior is available any time, any place, and can easily feel overwhelmed, and so available at all times, that they are constantly ‘wired’ and unable to switch off from work.  Although there might be short-term benefits from a productivity perspective, in the longer term this effort can lead to staff stress and burnout.

It is best for the company to ensure that the telecommuting tools do not result in this employee stress.  Addressing this challenge requires clear guidelines around the use of these telecommuting tools – including when and how to respond to requests.  Obviously there will always be times when it’s ‘all hands on deck’ to get tasks done, but when telecommuting becomes the standard approach to work there are real potential problems to consider.  In addition to usage guidelines, awareness training and knowing when it is appropriate to telecommute, and when it isn’t.  Otherwise, there’s a real prospect that people could end up at the cricket, huddled over their blackberries and iphones, like this lot here:

That’s me in the red shirt, iPhone in hand.  I do hope we’re checking the score and not telecommuting.

Your next steps?

So, what to do?  Well, it’s not all upside if you want to adopt telecommuting.  It’s not as costly today as once it was.  The benefits are there, including productivity gains, better access to information, and the ability to provide flexibility to your workforce.  There are challenges though around team cohesion, security, and work life balance.  For some specific practices, the challenges of telecommuting might be excessive.  That’s OK.  Think about the opportunities and the challenges, think about how (and whether) you can make telecommuting work for you.  And take a deep breath, because you’ll need to keep looking at this question as the technologies are always becoming cheaper, and the ‘art of the possible’ with telecommuting is constantly changing.

I leave you with the thought:  do you think that using tools that allow you to access work remotely, wherever and whenever you are, is on the whole a good thing or a bad thing?  And please, share any lessons you’ve learned from being an experienced ‘road warrior’.  I’d particularly like to know if it’s possible to get beer out of a Kindle…

[Endnote:  I cannot believe this match ended in a draw!]

[This blog was written for @cpaaustralia’s Public Practice Community Forum]