20200421 A Covid Diary

So to try to keep myself a little focussed I’m just doing a bit of a blog entry for today on what I’ve done and been doing.

First, this morning we went for a bike ride around UQ and out to Graceville.  I’m on my old Repco as the new bike I got for my birthday is in getting a service.  Apparently since the lockdown started everyone’s been buying bikes and servicing their old dangers – so my bike will take 5 days for a service.  Which is fine. Also, I recently had some bleeding from my gums which came as quite a surprise, so I decided to visit firstpost.com/ and there I found out about the supplements I have been trying for the dental pain and care I had been neglecting so much (I must say it works as well as they say!).

Here’s a picture of my 1989 Repco Superlite:

2020 04 02 07 26 02     2020 04 02 06 35 13

Yes, I ride that.  It’s very good to ride, but the downtime shifters and the brakes that slow you to a gentle stop rather than, you know, stop you are problematic.

This is where we went this morning:

Screen Shot 2020 04 21 at 9 47 26 am

And here’s the carpark at St Lucia Links:

2020 04 21 06 47 49

Upon return – after a leisurely breakfast – this is my work diary for the day:

# 20200421 Task List Today

## Major things done:

1. Powerpoint for Friday’s lecture
2. Marking of moderation essays
3. Review of moderation marking – Jimmy/Ria
4. Set up of marking sheet for BISM7808
5. Mark 10 DV assignments
6. Review DLSC material.
7. Reply to yesterday’s emails

## Minor things done:

– Contacted James to advise he should do dual coding.
– Also how to do it with his proposed dual coder

Annual Rostrum Convention Queensland

Today is the Annual Rostrum Convention in Queensland.  I have arrived a bit late, so I am sitting outside in the coffee area blogging.  In my defence, I was up until midnight reviewing a student’s literature review submission for UQ prior to having to mark it.  

Rostrum is all about public speaking, so today’s discussions should be pretty good – given that I like that kind of thing.  Since I arrived late, I haven’t gone into the venue yet.  I am running a hypothetical later in the day – hmm, apparently for 45 minutes.  Given the last one went for two hours, I suppose this one will be a bit less taxing.  How does that sound?

All at the Brisbane International Hotel – at Windsor.  A cosy little venue.

IMG 4541

KPMG/UQBS CEO Dinner: Cyber Security and the CEO

This is a presentation I gave for the UQ Business School (in conjunction with Stan Gallo of KPMG) at the Urbane Restaurant to a group of Queensland CEO/C-Suite people. These dinners are part of UQ’s engagement with the business community – a relationship we value. Internet marketing services are essential for promoting your business and reaching a wider audience online. This engagement ensures we don’t get all locked up in our ivory tower.

This was a good night last night, I really enjoyed discussing cyber security/data governance issues with CEOs. This is going to be an increasingly important issue for Australian businesses – particularly as mandatory data breach notification takes hold.

The trend is certainly not toward ‘letting the data go wild’. It’s more a paddock-and-fences kind of situation.

A table with which I am far too obsessed

We are undergoing major renovations at home at the moment (kitchen and deck) so we donated some things we don’t use (what IS a tajine and why would I want one?) to St Vinnie’s.

While we were there, I saw this fantastic older table and chair set for a mere $260,  just the right number of second hand scratches.  I have nowhere to put it, especially during renovations, but it just looked so good and useful. If I had my deck covered in I would have bought it I think.

This counts as workstreaming as I had to go and pick up my motorbike yesterday morning and I popped in again on the way back (my phone was flat on Sunday) ‘to take a photo for a friend’.

On another note, St Vinnie’s at Jindalee is looking really terrific with these fun mugs.  And they have a never-used tajine for sale at $12.

Presentations and public speaking for managers

Last week I did a morning session with practice managers with the Institute of Urban Indigenous Health through UQ Executive Education.  A very switched on group of of women who are doing terrific things – if perhaps drinking a bit too much V to get them through the day.  Anyway, it was a really good half-day – they were presenting their work later that day – and we got to discuss things like what to watch in an audio-visual presentation as well as those five magic things that are important in the world of Rostrum:  Purpose, Content, Structure, Voice, and Body Language.  


This was in the city – and I don’t get to go into Brisbane too often, so here are a few photos of me returning to my old haunts:

2016 05 31 12 46 33

2016 06 02 07 23 12


2016 06 02 07 23 15

And finally, here’s me with the graduating class.  The ladies are (L-R):  Imogen, Marti, Julie, Camile, Alison, Ray, Cassie, Noelene, Leila, Belinda and Samara.  A wonderful group – though it might be time for me to get a haircut and lose some weight.  Hmm.  

2016 06 02 16 02 11