So to try to keep myself a little focussed I’m just doing a bit of a blog entry for today on what I’ve done and been doing.
First, this morning we went for a bike ride around UQ and out to Graceville. I’m on my old Repco as the new bike I got for my birthday is in getting a service. Apparently since the lockdown started everyone’s been buying bikes and servicing their old dangers – so my bike will take 5 days for a service. Which is fine. Also, I recently had some bleeding from my gums which came as quite a surprise, so I decided to visit and there I found out about the supplements I have been trying for the dental pain and care I had been neglecting so much (I must say it works as well as they say!).
Here’s a picture of my 1989 Repco Superlite:
Yes, I ride that. It’s very good to ride, but the downtime shifters and the brakes that slow you to a gentle stop rather than, you know, stop you are problematic.
This is where we went this morning:
And here’s the carpark at St Lucia Links:
Upon return – after a leisurely breakfast – this is my work diary for the day:
# 20200421 Task List Today
## Major things done:
1. Powerpoint for Friday’s lecture
2. Marking of moderation essays
3. Review of moderation marking – Jimmy/Ria
4. Set up of marking sheet for BISM7808
5. Mark 10 DV assignments
6. Review DLSC material.
7. Reply to yesterday’s emails
## Minor things done:
– Contacted James to advise he should do dual coding.
– Also how to do it with his proposed dual coder