Knowledge is power

I suffer from an incurable disease, apparently, and have done so for over 10 years.  I recall I went to the doctor 10 years ago about it, who took a biopsy, expressed a great deal of curiosity (‘oh my goodness I’ve never seen that before’ – which didn’t help my state of mind) and then read the pathology report a few days later and said ‘don’t worry about it’.

It took me another 10 years to get worried about it again, went into the doctor’s (this condition has a habit of morphing about a bit) to clear these concerns, and the doctor managed to dig out the report from 10 years ago (an information management strategy that I’m impressed with, anyway!) and apparently this thing is called Schamberg Disease.

No, I hadn’t heard of it either, and neither had the doctor.

But, knowledge is of two kinds – you either know it or you know where to find it.  Being a doctor, I had assumed he had access to all sorts of information resources I don’t.

But he didn’t.

He googled it.

And now I know why it’s benign.  Unsightly, but benign – think knobbly knees with zinc cream on pasty-white consultant legs.  Just as well that I managed to get married early on.

links for 2006-09-02

Implementing your online collaboration strategy

My speaker’s notes (not that they bear much resemblance to what was actually said) are to be found here as a downloadable pdf:  Implementing an online collaboration stategy.  This presentation was given at the Blogs, Wikis, and RSS conference in Sydney on August 29th 2006.

Implementing your online collaboration strategy

We work in a Web World for business outcomes


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  My name is Micheal Axelsen, and this presentation focuses on providing a practical guide to the implementation of your online collaboration strategy, with some useful tips and thoughts on how to proceed with the implementation of collaboration technologies, including blogs and wikis, into the business.

This presentation is focussed upon:

  1. Business
  2. Collaboration technologies
  3. How to succeed with their implementation

At all times, though, this is intended to be a practical look at the application of these technologies, and addressing the practical concerns of business.

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Information Management is more than managing information…

Today Dr Kate Andrews and I had the pleasure of delivering an information management strategy for a client. During the course of this engagement, a fair bit of research was required – the information management strategy was not a ‘normal’ information management strategy but needed to blend IT Governance, Information Management, and Knowledge Management analytical frameworks into a cohesive whole that became a program of work.

Overall, the result seems to have been pretty positive. Our lcient will be the best judge of that though of course.

As a fair bit of research was required, it was interesting to come across a number of resources. A fascinating blog devoted to the topic of information management was Patrick Cormier’s blog ‘Information Management Now‘. This is a great example of a blog simply using Google’s blogger to host the website. A pretty simple thing, but Patrick has some great content there on the specific topic of information management.

Patrick Cormier's blog

My favourite post on this blog is a simple post on integrated information management.

As I say, this was one resource that was quite helpful in preparing an information management strategy for our client.