Grumpy Middle Aged Men

I’m officially the old person who cannot now turn on their TV. I need to turn on 3 items of equipment and have two remotes just to watch the empty stands in the Commonwealth Games.

And while we’re talking about the world getting complex, why is buying freakin’ petrol so complex. With ethanol, without. 95, 98, Super/Vortex/Atomic Lens Enhanced. This voucher to get the discount price advertised outside. This voucher + the other voucher to get the super super voucher price. Buy a chocolate and we’ll knock off a further 2 cents. Ah, FFS I just want petrol.

Me. Auditioning for Grumpy Middle Aged Men TV Series. Look out for it on some stupid TV channel I can’t change to…

Trying to rush a phd…

It might work, but I don’t know that it’s entirely safe for your health.  Or for your blogging. 

There’s so much I need to blog about, but I haven’t the time right now.  Guess I’d better re-engage with the real world though, and soon…  Looking forward to mucho more blogging in the near future.

Cue sound of crickets…

Using solar power in Brisbane to power my home with Origin Energy

2386116409_c5f5e185d0[1]Disclaimer:  my wife works for Origin Energy.  But this material was prepared for my brother-in-law and so I thought it was of sufficient interest to post to my blog.  We’re putting this deal in (unless they find that our roof space is insufficient). This is not a special deal for employees at the time of writing. 

Essentially we are talking about the 1.5kw solar panels deal from Origin Energy.  You need 15 square metres of roof space, a north-ish facing roofing and a 10 to 30 degree angle on the roof.  If the angle isn’t there, they’ll need to build a frame to put the solar panel on the proper footing – for which there is a reasonable charge.

Unlike the deal of a year or so ago, this isn’t income or means-tested:

With Origin Energy’s current deal (you don’t need to have Origin as your retail provider) you pay $299 up front and then 24 payments of $112.12 a month.  Total cost:  $2,990 over two years.  You have to sign over the Renewable Energy Certificates to Origin (otherwise it’ll cost you $10K). 

A 1.5kw panel will save you 18.8c per kilowatt hour if you don’t need to draw that power from the grid:

A 1.5kw panel will earn you 50c per kilowatt hour that you don’t use during the day (feed in tariff):

So your saving per day, if you get the average hours of full sunlight per day for your area (

3.85kw (for a 1kw panel)  x 1.5kw x 18.8c = $1.15 per day ($420.05 per annum) – this is your minimum save at average hours per day sunlight.

And could earn you in feed-in tariff:

3.85 (for a 1kw panel) x 1.5kw x 50c = $2.88 per day ($1,053.94) – this is your maximum saving at average hours per day sunlight.

‘Feed-in’ is whatever is fed back into the grid that is not used on your site at that time.  You need a special metering device for this to occur – that is an extra ‘reasonable’ charge  from Energex.

Savings are in the range of $420 to $1,053 per year – and that’s conservative I think.  With sunny days and no cloud you will produce quite a bit more than 3.85kw per 1kw panel per day – but this is the average allowing for cloudy days, sunshine, and dust clouds (speaking of which, I suppose you need to wash them fairly regularly to keep them going). 


  • A 25 year warranty
  • You can only get the RECs once – you’ll have to pay full price for your second 1.5kw panel.
  • Chose 1.5kw panel as it’s the sweet spot for the RECs

Image from Flickr User Powerhouse Museum. Some Rights Reserved.

Guitar, weeping


1964 was a wonderful and a terrible year. The year the Beatles became famous and the year the Vietnam war exploded.

A small room in a small house, in a small Australian town, shows the juxtaposed mix of hope, optimism, fear and hatred. A bible, a child—like poster wishing for world peace, a rough, aging bed freshly made. A recruitment poster declaring that war in Viet Nam needed you to fight for Australia.

The paint, peeling off the walls, gently falling and raining down upon an aging and abandoned guitar. A guitar weeping with flakes of paint to become a mouldering heap of leaded white. A guitar once cared for lovingly by teenage hands strumming chords and dreaming of a life of music, song, peace and love. The same hands later filled with enough hate to hold a gun and kill, maim, and orphan in a war the hands understood nothing of.

Hands once gentle, then violent, all transformed by time and the era. Then killed stone cold dead before the hate could mellow and a black—and—white world fade to gray. The optimism of youth and the contrast of love and hate disguised as love became a bitter well from which the soul never escaped. The bedroom of a beloved son maintained as a shrine, kept as it was so an old woman could keep alive the memory of a life. The guitar wept, all through those long, empty years.

And now, as a deceased estate, this memory could be yours when the property sells at auction later today.

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