Goodbye Password, Hello Security!

Hot on the heels of Microsoft’s man-of-the-moment comments on passwords – he suggested you should write down passwords down in a “very secured place” rather than forcing users to remember umpteen dozen passwords – comes this article on suggesting that the password has had its day.

An interesting thought, yet to be proven, and until we see some true standards there I think we’ll have the password for a while longer. Of course, I continue to live in fear that one day I will forget all my passwords and I will simply cease to exist.

Postscript: a recent anecdote of a client who accidentally encrypted an assignment at uni through vainly bashing at the keyboard is a salient lesson to those of us who have ever wanted to take a computer out back and teach it a lesson.

Just When You Thought Blogging Was Blase

The world’s most famous blogger (or at least, in IT world-dom that is) is possibly giving a demonstration of how to put your foot in it when blogging. This article on The Register shows Robert Scoble is blogging about new Microsoft program problems before the bug-fixers know about them. It now becomes an entertaining game of he-said-she-said – or perhaps the age-old “I was quoted out of context” game.

Peyton place in a teacup, methinks.

Requires the grey matter to be engaged before plugging in the keyboard.

Business Blogging Redux

As an aside, I was today interviewed for an article in InTheBlack about business blogging – not because anyone is necessarily reading my blog, but at least partly because the ITM COE suggested it to InTheBlack as a topic for the October edition.

I know that Shauna Kelly of the COE is also writing an in-depth article for the CPA website to be published soon.

It will be interesting – I note that Ed Charles (the journalist) is working on podcasting the interviews he does. An interesting idea – we could go from business blogging to business podcasting…

SME’s and e-Business

Dr Kate Andrews suggested I take a look at the online business journal “Ivey Business Journal”. This is the online version of a 70-year old journal.

I note that the May/June 2005 edition carries an article “The Strategic Management Process In E-Business“. This article provides several case studies from a scientific study of SME’s that have adopted e-business, and those strategies that SME’s can use to be effective with e-business.

VOIP Is Maturing

Voice Over IP Solutions seem to be maturing. This article from Technology & Business at ZDNet reviews some handsets providing VOIP capability, and almost gets one thinking about such things. Unless you have a real need, I am not convinced that the technology is mature enough just yet to recommend wholesale adoption by clients, although for clients with specific requirements and expertise it may be a good solution.