Information Management is more than managing information…

Today Dr Kate Andrews and I had the pleasure of delivering an information management strategy for a client. During the course of this engagement, a fair bit of research was required – the information management strategy was not a ‘normal’ information management strategy but needed to blend IT Governance, Information Management, and Knowledge Management analytical frameworks into a cohesive whole that became a program of work.

Overall, the result seems to have been pretty positive. Our lcient will be the best judge of that though of course.

As a fair bit of research was required, it was interesting to come across a number of resources. A fascinating blog devoted to the topic of information management was Patrick Cormier’s blog ‘Information Management Now‘. This is a great example of a blog simply using Google’s blogger to host the website. A pretty simple thing, but Patrick has some great content there on the specific topic of information management.

Patrick Cormier's blog

My favourite post on this blog is a simple post on integrated information management.

As I say, this was one resource that was quite helpful in preparing an information management strategy for our client.

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